Sedation & Hospital Dentistry

We recognize that some of our young patients may feel anxious or apprehensive about receiving dental care. Our doctors and staff work hard to make sure that your child has a comfortable, positive experience, and that’s why we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry for those patients needing a little extra comfort before receiving treatment. Feeling anxious about receiving dental care should never prevent having a beautiful, healthy smile.


Conscious Sedation/ Hospital Dentistry

Some children need a little extra help making it through their dental appointment.  If your child is apprehensive and/or has several teeth to restore, conscious sedation may be the best option for your child.  Your child will be given our oral medication and they will become drowsy or even fall asleep, but they will never lose consciousness. Dr. McCarty is continually with your child during the procedure and is continually monitoring your child during the procedure.


General Anesthesia

We may recommend outpatient general anesthesia for your child due to the extensiveness of decay and age of your child.  With general anesthesia, your child is completely asleep, just as having tonsils removed or tubes in their ears.  Outpatient general anesthesia is performed in one of our local hospitals or surgery center.


Dr. McCarty is on staff at all the local hospitals and surgery centers.

Join Dr. Britt McCarty and Dr. Ross McCarty at their New Pediatric Dental Office in Meridian MS!

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Sedation & Hospital Dentistry

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